
Blogging: What’s All the Fuss About?

Have you started blogging? Why? Why not?

I am amazed at the scads of information on the web right now about blogging. It is almost overwhelming, right? I’ve begun to look at experts who talk about blogging. You know. What’s the value of blogging? How do I get started? What do I say? Why would anyone listen to me?

This month on my radio show, we have been talking about blogging. As you can tell from my website, this is an area I started to study because I need to work on it, too!

Here are some of the biggest challenges that I’ve had. Maybe you have the same ones.

  1. Finding the time. As a mother, entrepreneur, and business coach, I often feel there are not enough hours in the day to do everything I need to do.  Ever feel that way? When my feet hit the ground, I can let the urgent crowd out the important. But the fact of the matter is, if you don’t take care of what moves your business forward, you may be running in place. When you decide to make blogging part of your strategy, make an appointment with yourself everyday to spend at least 25 minutes working on it. You’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish in just two and a half hours a week.
  2. Finding Content. Because I get busy, the thoughts of what I need to do crowd the creative muse, and I just can’t think of what to write about. And when I do, I can get locked up with “paralysis by perfection”. You know, that nagging voice that’s afraid of criticism.  Setting aside regular time to write will help the creative juices flowing. And as for perfection, remember, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!” (Joe Sabah)
  3. What kind of blog? That is a great question! I have been listening to some great bloggers and looking at their websites. Want to build awesome content that people will read? Go to Marko Saric’s post on “How to Build Awesome Content that Gets Visitors and Shares”  How about kinds of blogs?  Nita J’s post about 40 different kinds of blogs is a must read. There are unlimited resources out there for you to use. I can feel the creative juices flowing!

Want to know more? Great! Then join me this Friday at 12:30 p.m. Central Time (10:30 Pacific time, 1:30 Eastern time) for my radio show, BlackBeltSelling, when I will be talking about the types of blogs to help you get started. Click here to find out how to join us!

Comment below and let me know what you are doing in the blogging world!


P.S. Marko and NitaJ joined us on episodes of Black Belt Selling. If you want to know when they were with us, sign up for my newsletter so you can also get alerts for upcoming shows. Click here to sign up.