Learn how to sell

They told me it wouldn't work, but a year later I increased the revenue in my business by 50%!
Learn to Sell with Anna Scheller
Get Started for only $1

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Learn how to sell and learn from home with our online business training! "It transformed me from a timid self employed person to a confident business owner". click here to sign up and receive your FREE download.

"10 Ways You Can Get to Yes!"

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The Problem:

Sales training programs are often geared to large companies with sales teams, and often priced outside the budget of struggling entrepreneurs who want to learn from home. Even one on one coaching, as valuable as that is can be too expensive until there is more income. Additionally, marketing gets a nod, but very little focus.

The Solution:

Black Belt Selling will challenge you to grow your ability to cultivate and close more sales for your company with our online business training that you can learn from home. By incorporating the foundational principles of martial arts training with sales training, you can learn how to sell and will master the ability to create unlimited leads for your business, set more  appointments than you can run, and answer objections with ease. More importantly, you will  begin to experience the freedom you are striving for by the sales systems you put in place through our online business training.

Sales success or sales mastery is about more than clever phrases.

It's about clarity, focus and knowing how to  address the concerns of your ideal client so you can solve their problems.  

By implementing the suggestions you learn from home, you will become more confident as you learn how to sell, so that when you are speaking with potential clients, and you will create systems to keep current customers as excited brand ambassadors.

of our online business training you will have access to:
A recording addressing the month's theme
A downloadable handout with practical suggestions for putting the information into practice
Membership in a secret Facebook group where you can interact with me personally
Enroll and receive your first downloadable PDF for free!

What is holding you back? Learn sales mastery at your own pace and in comfort as you learn from home

Commit to the first 90 days, and get your first month for just $1!

Apply the knowledge you learn and make far more than your $1 back!
I'm committed to mastering the skills
and mindset needed for sales success!

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